Friday, October 24, 2008


We make choices everyday don't we?
What are the choices that we make?

Attitude is a choice.

We can choose what we want to feel.
The choice that we make determines what is the outcome of your situation.
Your attitude determines your altitude.

You see, some people that have a bad attitude look grumpy all the while but for those with an excellent attitude, you can see a glow in their faces because they choose to smile at the storm knowing that every cloud has its silver lining.

Do you realize that your attitude affects those around you?
No one would want to mix with a person who is always complaining and grumbling nor would you wa
nt to be in a company with someone who is critical or judgmental.

Be slow to form judgments about people and circumstances, and be generous in your evaluations by always giving the benefit of the doubt. It is the function of pride to think you know the heart and motives of an individual and then forming an opinion based on your assumptions.-by Marsha Burns-

In Luke 9:23 it says, Then he said to them all: "If anyone would come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow Me.

See the word daily..means EVERYDAY we have to submit our will to HIm and be yielded totally to having an attitude that is pleasing to God.remember attitude is a choice. so in other words we are totally responsible for our attitude.

We have to make a choice DAILY to rise up and overcome our situations and put on a garment of praise no matter what we feel or think!

The mind is the battlefield, but we have the Word, the Blood and the Name to outwit the enemy!
No one, not even the devil can force you to make a decision. Suggestive thoughts may come but only YOU can make the ultimate decision which will eventually determine your victory/defeat.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Dependence and Trust

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path.

Proverbs 3:3, 4

Well, nowadays God is teaching me how to depend totally on Him from the smallest matter to the biggest ones_ which means total trust 100%.

Sometimes, we tend to take things into our own hands and leave God out of the picture subconsciously. We thought we are trusting God but we have our own preconceived ideas and think of our own solution. When things happen, some Christians act like unbelievers and they fret and whine and complain as if God in heaven is ignorant to our needs and leave us alone. Their attitude contradicts the promise of God in Hebrews 13:5 which God says ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you’, and in 1 Peter 5:7 it is written ‘Cast all your cares on Him for He cares for you’. If we understand this wonderful revelation, it will change the way we think and our response towards our situation. God loves us so much that he sent His only Son to die for us. Do you think He will leave us when we are down? Of course NOT!

We might say sometimes we don’t feel God’s presence…but His silence is not His absence. How can we feel Him if we murmur and not trusting? God is simply saying, “TRUST ME”! No situation that is too big that God cannot handle and nothing is too difficult for God! He is GOD!!

You see…trust is faith…if we don’t trust, it simply means we don’t have faith and without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). One man's faith allows him to eat everything, but another man, whose faith is weak eats only vegetables.(Romans 14:2).See the truth in this scriptures..if we have faith even as a mustard seed, we can say to this mountain, "be thou removed" and it shall be removed. So, this is how powerful faith is.

Hmmm...talking about dependence...we really have to depend on GOD.not halfheartedly but again 100%...i realized when we depend on ourselves, ultimately our strength fails us and then we get frustrated and blame God for what happened..but actually its not Him, its us. Many times, we try to be god of our own lives, but eventually it didn't turn out the way we want. When we start to take control of our lives, God will just stand back and watch. Of course, He will not force Himself on us. It is our choice to turn our eyes to Him in dependence.

When we depend on God means we are dying to our carnal nature, our selfish desires and lay it on the cross and embrace God's will and purpose for us. Our spirit is willing to do that but our flesh is weak. It is the flesh that wants to be glorified and take all the credit. We need the grace of yielding from the Holy we can totally say "God i depend on You" and just let go and let God. Sometimes things happen that we would want to react to the flesh immediately and throw our tantrums...but someone once told me,

'In whatever situation, if we can react in such a way that reflect God and glorify Him..if we would just stop for five minutes and not react immediately...but consult and ask God..don't you think everything would be fine?...'

Yes..that is called depending on God..if we would just consult God in EVERYTHING, all will turn out well..right?
I came to a point that i know my own strength, wisdom, talents, skill are all limited without God. If i use only what i have for myself it will just be that and will not increase. But if i give all that i have to God i know He will increase my talents, wisdom, strength for His kingdom and His glory. That's where I,Me,Myself are not in the picture but only God and God alone gets all the glory.

Lastly, its not about how smart i am, its not about how talented i am, its not about how rich i am , BUT its about HOW GREAT MY GOD IS!! =)